Dr. Geoff NewbeginCounselling Psychologist & Psychotherapist


Appointments Available

    (03) 9820 5577

    Swell Centre
    2 Minona Street
    Hawthorn, VIC 3122

    [Map & Directions]

    Dr. Geoff Newbegin also offers online services.

    For bookings, please use the “book now” button above. We are providing face-to-face and video/phone consultations as needed.  

    We have arrangements in place to maintain social distancing and cleaning standards during COVID-19.


    Personal Details and Interests

    I am an experienced counsellor and psychologist with over 20 years of experience, which includes a wide range of clinical experience. I have over 40 years of work experience and come to the psychological profession after many years as an engineer, project manager and policy planner. I have found that all my working experience has enabled me to be more focused in understanding processes and people.

    I take the view that we are influenced by what we experience and the meaning that we give to these experiences. Essentially we try to make sense of our surroundings that can assist us in understanding ourselves and our place in the world. This view of ourselves is created by the influences of time, place, family, society and culture. These influences and experiences help shape our character and personality as individuals.

    “You cannot heal a single human being, even with psychotherapy, if you do not first restore his relationship to Being.” — Heidegger

    “Emotion is the chief source of all becoming-conscious. There can be no transforming of darkness into light and of apathy into movement without emotion.” — Jung


    Experience (Areas of Expertise)

    I work in a way that draws upon psychodynamic, humanistic, cognitive, mindfulness, emotion-focused and existential theories in a very experiential way to allow the client to explore their world in more detail; to understand how they view themselves and to see themselves more clearly so that they can make informed choices on how best to deal with situations and find ways of living in a more integrated way. The work is done in a collaborative way so that the client feels that they own their process.

    Areas of interest include anxiety, depression, stress management, anger management, men’s issues, self-esteem, life transitions, grief & loss, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and personality disorders.



    Full registration as psychologist with Australian Health Practitioners Agency (AHPRA)

    Associate member Australian Psychology Society (APS)



    Diploma of Engineering (Caulfield Institute)

    Bachelor of Arts (Major Philosophy) (La Trobe University)

    Diploma of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy (Cairnmillar Institute)

    Post Graduate Diploma in Psychology (Central Queensland University)

    Doctor of Counselling Psychology (La Trobe University)



    Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy Training (Monash University)

    Training in Process Experiential Emotion Focused Therapy


    Contact Details

    Phone: (03) 9820 5577

    Address: Swell Centre
    2 Minona Street
    Hawthorn, VIC 3122

    [Map & Directions]

    Dr. Geoff Newbegin also offers online services.

    ** Medicare rebates available through the ‘Better Access to Mental Health Care’ Initiative. Apply for a referral under the Mental Health Care Plan with your GP.


    Existential therapy Vs CBT Confidentiality in Therapy

    Dr Geoff Newbegin on the differences between CBT and existential therapy

    When asked about confidentiality during psychotherapy, Geoff explains that whatever is said in the room is kept in the room.

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