Uncertainty is an essential and unavoidable aspect of the human experience. Although uncertainty can be accepted as a “given”, the fallout of this uncertainty can be difficult for each of us to [...]
Most of us consider the beginning of the year as an opportunity to reflect on habits that no longer serve. We try to replace them with healthier habits, positive ways of thinking and better [...]
For parenting done right during holidays, the recipe is to have structure when managing children and get the arsenal for what’s to come. Here are a few tips on managing children, having fun and [...]
Life as we know is fast and most of us, at one time or another, ponder over various aspects of our lives. We tend to compare, analyse, judge, plan and create goals and reflect upon and assess our [...]
Instead of trying to conjecture as to what the problem is by asking questions, mindfulness enables the therapist to guide the client into a zone where the client can answer from first-hand [...]